Why See a Chiropractor if Nothing Hurts?
Why See a Chiropractor if Nothing Hurts?

If you’re new to chiropractic care, you may wonder why some people go to the chiropractor on a regular basis. You probably understand how chiropractic adjustments address back, neck or shoulder pain, but you may not truly understand how chiropractic care enhances overall health.
So Much More
Yes, it’s a good idea to see a chiropractor if you’re in pain. Chances are we can do something to alleviate the pain, speed healing and improve recovery time. However, there’s so much more to chiropractic than post-trauma treatments.
Chiropractic adjustments address something called “vertebral subluxation.” When a chiropractor uses this phrase, he or she is talking about mechanical compression and irritation to spinal joints and nerves. Think for a moment of the many nerves that travel from the spinal canal to the many parts of your body. When the spinal canal is compromised, it affects your body’s ability to function — even in parts of the body that may seem totally disconnected from the spine.
What Causes Vertebral Subluxations?
While there are many causes of vertebral subluxations, I’ve found the following to be the most common:
- A vertebra becomes misaligned due to a slip or fall
- Poor posture causing parts or even all of the spine to become misaligned
- Damage to the intervertebral joint causing swelling and compression of nerves
- Poor diet or stress causing inflammatory responses
- Degeneration due to age or predisposition to vulnerability
- Tight muscles pulling the vertebrae out of alignment
- Trauma during birth or an accident
- Accumulation of issues over time which have culminated in subluxations
As you can see, there are many factors that affect subluxations. Take, for example, your posture. Pay attention to how you are sitting or standing right now. Is your back in a healthy position? How about your shoulders? Is your desk and chair ergonomically correct? Are you slumping over? Crossing your legs? Unhealthy posture alone can cause subluxations that increase vulnerability to trauma.
Preserving Wellness
Most people go to the chiropractor when a problem becomes evident, but in many cases, those health problems could have been avoided by regular adjustments. Just as regular dental cleanings prevent cavities and gum disease, regular adjustments prevent small misalignments from becoming serious issues.
Adjustments keep the vertebrae aligned properly, enhancing overall health so that your body functions at optimal capacity. Then, when stress or even trauma occurs, your body is better prepared to handle the incident without incurring damage. During regular chiropractic well checks, your doctor can look for and even prevent health issues from becoming problematic.
Looking for a Lake Norman Chiropractor?
If you are interested in preventative chiropractic adjustments in Huntersville NC, give us a call at 704- 947-7272 or stop in to meet Dr. Doyle and the staff. Dr. Doyle uses a combination of acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments to promote optimal health. Learn how you can live the healthiest life possible!
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
Doyle Chiropractic & Acupuncture
9630 Sherrill Estates Road Suite B
Huntersville, NC 28078
(704) 947-7272
Safe & Effective
Member of ACA & NCCA
Serving Huntersville Since 2004
Blend of Modern & Traditional